Vezorla Craft Chocolate with Violet Petals - 70% Cocoa

Vezorla Craft Chocolate with Violet Petals - 70% Cocoa

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Craft Chocolate with and addition of 6% of heart-healthy extra virgin olive oil. Its signature is the smooth texture while boosting the antioxidant properties of Picual EVOO and the unique addition of real violet petals crystallized with sugar. 


The percent of cocoa adds a slightly bitter taste and the olive oil provides a unique smooth and creamy texture without having any milk added.

I introduce you with a picture to this lovely couple of artisans, Paco and Eva, who partner with Vezorla. They made all process by hand from the paste to the packaging. This is a truly crafted chocolate.

Did you know that has been found that a portion of 40g of dark chocolate with added natural polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil is associated with an improved cardiovascular risk profile?