Collection: Share the Light Candle Company

About Share the Light Candle Company

The Inspiration

Canadian-based Share the Light Candle Company was founded by Lorraine Mooney in 2015. One year earlier, Lorraine’s husband Bill was working in Uganda and asked a local Community Liaison Officer what support was needed in the area. With 15 schools in the district and over 600 children in attendance, the liaisons simple response was that the children needed books for school. Upon returning to Canada, Bill, Lorraine and their family gathered over 4000 books and delivered them to the rural Ugandan schools. The response was so overwhelming by the parents, teachers and students in the area that Lorraine decided she could do more. 

An Idea

Following the Ugandan children’s success in school, Lorraine quickly identified the need for light if nightfall arrived before they finished studying. Thus, Share The Light Candle Company was born. The product becoming hand poured candles by Lorraine using 100% Soy Wax, and the benefit being a percentage of each sale going towards purchasing solar lanterns for the children all around the world so they’re able to continue studies past nightfall.

Share the Light Candle Company is living through their namesake  – "sharing the light" with those in need. Thanks to all who buy their candles, you too are helping them share the light, one candle at a time.
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